Eve's Song

They may not ever know
By what dark thoughts I go,
What roads lead to and fro
To that dear place.
But since the day our eyes
Turned from its blessed skies,
I have thrice seen Paradise,
By God's good grace.

Ay, thrice the angel's sword
Has touched my heart, good Lord.
According to thy word,
I came by fire,
And thrice those roads of pain
Have broken my soul in twain,
Yet it was not in vain,
O Heart's Desire.

When Adam on his side
Turned heavily and cried,
With laughter had I died
To make him whole.

My heart was like to break
For that sweet Eden's sake,
Comfort thereof to take
For his poor soul.

Strong rain and bitter wind
And we were lost and blind.
All this of my frail mind
Was come of me.
But Adam spoke and said,
"Love, I were comforted,
Yes, raised although long dead,
Being near to thee."

(That place wherein I wait
Is closed inviolate,
Shut in with the warm state
Of angels' wings.
The trees that flame around
Bear plumes of golden sound,
And like the heart of the ground,
The ground bird sings.)

When, as we went forlorn,
My ailing feet were torn
With wound of many a thorn
And grief of the stone,
I knew not any harm
That had his looks for balm,
He healed me with a calm
Shed from his own.

(Softly the angels there
Color the atmosphere
As sweet rain takes the air
In time of drouth.
"Her heart is broken," they said,
"Yet sings she like the Dead,
For she has Adam's kiss
Upon her mouth.")

When, born to earth and stone
My Cain fared forth alone,
With no heed to my moan,
In angry-wise,
Like a tree the storm has bent
I rocked, being wholly spent,
Yet by that road I went
To Paradise.

(No hope, nor joy, nor fears,
Laughter, nor any tears,
Disturb those silent spheres
Where I abide.
The waning and increase,
God maketh all this cease;
Only a great, good peace—
And naught beside.)

Yes, thrice the angel's sword
Has touched my heart, good Lord.
According to thy word,
I came by fire,
And thrice those roads of pain
Have broken my soul in twain.
Yet it was not in vain,
O Heart's Desire!

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